The page of which I explain each sona, mascot, and representation of the self that I own!

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Thuprilz, Prince

Starting off strong! April Thuprilz. They are the current "main mascot" of mine. Not only are they a sona that I use to represent myself through art, they are the figure that would represent my brand as well, if that made sense. The character that would be recognized as me, and me alone. Thuprilz, who I will sometimes refer to as Prince, began as recent as (funnily enough) April third, 2020. They started out relatively ordinary-- And still are, but I mean significance-wise. This character was a simple doodle, the profile picture for the website of which they were drawn on. Little did they know who they would become soon after. . .

The title of this drawing was "prince." I didn't really consider it as a character name for them at first, but I ended up just going with it for the sake of continuity. The account name was "Thuprilz", though like I've mentioned Prince wasn't meant to be a sona and eventually evolved into one. I consider "Prince" the character to be different from "Thuprilz", my sona.

This drawing's title was "i have a DILEMMA!" and was made 7 posts later, on April seventh. Weirdly enough, I for some reason just. . . chose prince to be my mascot on that website? It was my first "addressing the community" post that wasn't just art so yeah, I guess I just. . . Went with prince for some reason.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

The rest of the things on here are sort of self-explanitory, or don't really need extra commentary. I'm just sharing the thuprilz art I made on Flipanim here! Each image is hover-over-able so that you can see what the title of the post was.

This would take an awfully lot amount of space to have all Thuprilz images here, so you can see the remainder of Flipanim Thuprilz art here!

Around this time, I also started an account on Folioscope under the same username. At this point I had accepted Thuprilz as a sona, and you can clearly see me using them more often in community-addressing posts.

You can see the rest of this art and the posts I made with them on the Folioscope link! You may also notice that around this time I drew Thuprilz with another few characters. These characters were also thought-up-on-the-spot characters from Flipanim. Thuprilz and those characters did not exist in the same universe until Folioscope, where I decided to draw them all together.

I had begun to give these characters a little world of their own! I haven't expanded on it much at this point (11/5/2020) but I can give the basic idea of it. Thuprilz, or Prince, as they are known as in-universe, is the son of Queen Helix and the King. As you can probably assume by Thuprilz's parents' titles, they live in a sort of fantasy-type world in a large kingdom. This kingdom is pretty normal, a large castle surrounded by the city and then the walls of the kingdom. Prince has four main friends, their Dragon Friend named Red, Red's object of interest who wears a scarf, their third friend a small wizard character, and a fourth which is a type of rabbit-character. The rules of this universe. . . Don't really exist. I do what I want with it, and add characters as I please. There's also a neighboring type of forest-kingdom filled with a species of humanoid owl-like characters. I think they're neat.

I have plenty more Thuprilz art, which I'll compile onto the flipanim art page eventually. As their lore expands, I'll talk about it here more too!! For now, let's move on!

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧


Ohhh boy. Okay, this sona's been around. . . Probably longer than any other sona I've used. Avenue was first drawn on February 28, 2019, so he's a bit of an oldie. He began on a site that really holds a lot of my history and art improvement, but as such holds a lot of things I'm not too fond of. I'll call this website Drawn, and if you really wanted to you could find my account, but I won't link it here! Anyways, here was the first Avenue created.